понедельник, 30 сентября 2019 г.

Albert Bandera

Albert Bandura has made great contributions to the field of learning and cognition. His finding formed the foundation of modern social learning theory. Bandura studies were base on observational learning or modeling (2013). He believed that people learn by observing others, such behaviors, but not necessary by imitating or mimicking (2013) For example if you see a friend slipping on the wet floor, you would go around to prevent from slipping like your friend. Observing behavior is a form of information a person obtains, a process of learning to later recover when need it. It incorporates the basic principles of learning like attention, memory and motivation. Albert Bandura Bobo Doll experiment set principles on social learning. Through this experiment he observed 33 children, boys and girls. These children were then divided into 3 groups, each group watch a different ending of the video. The video was of a woman beating a Bobo Doll; she beat up the doll, threw it across the room, kicked it, and called it names. She was very aggressive towards the doll for no apparent reason. The first group watched a video that showed the person beating the doll receiving a reward after the behavior. Second group watched the person being punished for the behavior, and the third group watched the video with no consequences (2013). After watching the video the children were presented to a bobo doll just like the one in the video. All 33 children reacted aggressively towards the doll. The aggression varied on what video each children watched. The children that watched the person being rewarded were more aggressive; the aggression decrease with the children that watched the person being punished and aggression was neutral with those that watch the video with no consequence (2013). In conclusion to this study, Bandura explain the influence of observational learning. First is attention, in order for a person to learn he or she needs to pay attention, be focused (2013). If there is distraction the observational learning process will have a negative affect. For example a dancer learning a new step, while the dance master is howing a new step, Silvia notices her crush walk-in the dance room. Instead of paying attention to the new step, her attention is elsewhere. Second is retention, is the ability to store the information a person learns through observing, he or she obtains the information to later act on it (2013). Third, reproduction, which is the process of practicing on what the person learns from observing, likes performi ng the behavior. For example; after the dancer learns a new step by observing the dance master, she then practice the behavior, in this case is the new dancing step. Last is motivation, for a person to act the behavior learned after observing he or she has to be motivated. Reinforcements and punishments are actually important role in the process of motivation. For example, lets take Silva the dancer, she makes sure to learn the right steps to the dance routine because if she does the dance master will defiantly picker her to be at the show to perform the dance. Albert Bandera social learning theory has become popular in todays society, like entertainment, education, and especially in the media such as advertising. Bandura did not like how the media would use the observational learning theory because it was mostly used to show negative or violent behaviors that people would learn (2013). Fox example alcohol or cigarette companies use media to advertise their product. These companies use attractive models like role models that todays society look up to or are considered to be â€Å"cool†. Society watches these advertisements, they become amuse some act the behaviors, such as smoking or drinking because they think is the â€Å"cool† thing to do especially the youth. Albert Bandura theory brought great contribution to the psychology field, observational learning or modeling has very concepts process, but if you think about it is really just common sense. Observational learning or modeling would be use more for children because they have not yet developed right from wrong (2013). Is also away that a parent or just any adult can know how to act a certain way around children, because a child behavior always reflects his or her parent or role model.

воскресенье, 29 сентября 2019 г.

Lascia Ch’Io Pianga Analysis Essay

The analysis of the aria â€Å"Lascia ch’io pianga† by Haendel according to the thorough bass method, shows us how the composer refer in this piece to the typical compositional procedures of baroque music. The aria starts with a pedal (frame, according to Joel Lester’s terminology) followed by a cadence harmonized according the regle de l’octave both in ascending and descending motion (MM. 5-8). The second episode starting at M. 8 consists of a sequence, precisely a modified sequence, in which the subsequent is slightly modified at the end introducing a new harmony on the second beat of M. 12 that leads to a final cadence with a modulation to the original key. The regle is always working also in the sequence, it is just applied chromatically according the harmonic context. After two repetitions of the first phrase, with a small difference in MM. 17 and 34 with a 6-chord instead of a 5-chord on the second subdivision of the second beat, we have the last section of the aria, before the da capo. In this last section there is a modified sequence (MM. 35 to 39) followed by a cadence that leads to the end of the piece. In general, most of the harmonies in the piece reflect the indications of the regle but there are some exceptions. The most interesting part in which the regle is not applied is at the very beginning of the aria: the use of 7 on the second degree, instead of 6. This is the harmony that more that any other characterizes this piece, giving a smoother flavor to the passage than the dominant harmony suggested by the regle. Aside from the exception, it is interesting to see where Haendel follows strictly the regle, and this happens in every final cadence, probably as a sign that in the closing sections the use of the regle is more functional and gives a stronger sense of harmonic definition. In the fundamental bass, the bass line consists of a series of roots that not only represent the roots of the harmonies built on top of then, but also physically generates these harmonies. Any kind of harmony should be reduced to triads and sevenths and the motion of the bass-line should be by fifths and fourths. In â€Å"Lascia ch’io pianga† is possible to understand all the harmonies as fifths and sevenths but the bass-line motion not always moves naturally by fifths and fourths. In many cases, through the use of the double-emploi, is has been possible to correct some irregular motions into fifth motion, but still for some of them it hasn’t been possible. Probably the most evident example is the motion by second occurring between MM. 6 and 7, and between MM. 11 and 12. The fundamental-bass analysis bring into play notes that are supposed, that are not in the score but affect the music as the roots of a tree feed the last leaf on the highest branch. In this case, we can see how the sense of motion that we perceive listening to this aria is perfectly explained and justified by the succession of seventh chord and fifth chord, as the epitome of the arsi-tesi feeling in music. Even in the first two measures, that look really simple in the thorough bass analysis, we can still discover something that makes this beginning not so obvious. In the first measure the F is transformed into D with a seventh chord on top, and the accumulation of this seventh with the next one in the second measure create a sense of instability and a need to resolve. In the next measures this tension will be released through a succession of 5-chord with two final combinations 7-5 to close the episode.

суббота, 28 сентября 2019 г.

Taxi to the Dark Side

Brutality, degradation, inhumane treatment, cruelty, these are the words that are often ascribed to the act of torture, whatever form it maybe. The mere intention to conduct these actions reveals a complicated double standard (Fiala, 103). People would opt to be the punisher, the powerful, the dominant rather than being punished, being weak and being dominated by someone else. It might not generally surmise human nature but it reveals the fact that humans in a society would always aspire for the top position in the ladder.To this end, it is not surprising why some people support torture, most specifically, when they are not the one who is being (or will be) tortured. On the other hand, people also tend to display compassion and sympathy to other human beings. This is the basis of the deontological morality expressed by Immanuel Kant. This essay would try to explore the nature of torture and present an evaluation of the ethical values involved. The subject of the essay would be based on the discussion of torture in the documentary by Alex Gibney entitled ‘Taxi to the Dark Side’.The main argument would be that ‘torture is morally impermissible’ nonetheless the essay would also try to determine the reason behind the act of torture especially with regards to the incident in Afghanistan and Iraq. Interrogation is the basic means to attain ‘intelligence’ or first-hand information that are vital in the prevention of danger such as war/s and terrorism. It can also be use to gain knowledge of the culprit behind certain crimes. One, need not to be involved in an actual warfare or crime to understand the concept involved in interrogation.However, it is also a common knowledge that some information gathered through interrogation may not be valid. One cannot establish the factuality of a certain statement that people ‘spill out’ during interrogations. In some cases, ordinary interrogation techniques are futile since the pe rson being interrogated may not be willing to cooperate. These instances coupled with an urgent need for the ‘information’ usually calls for a ‘forceful’ kind of interrogation.In the context of this essay, the type of interrogation is known as ‘torture interrogation’ (Casebeer, 263). In the documentary ‘Taxi to the Dark Side’, torture interrogation is portrayed as a technique used to gather information from supposedly terrorists. It involves long hours of standing, sleep deprivation, use and application of physical force, humiliation and other maltreatments that would fall under CID or acts of ‘cruel, inhuman or degrading’ treatments (Luban).Casebeer (264), explained that torture interrogations encompass the strategy that involves ‘severe physical and/or mental pain’ (I believe that emotional or psychological pain can also be present especially during humiliation and inducement of fear) that is inflicted o n its ‘victim’, that is done by certain ‘perpetrators’ such as ‘interrogators and/or soldiers’ and are designed to reach a goal such as to ‘extract information and confessions’. The ethical considerations that torture interrogation presents are grounded on the fact that (in most cases) during ‘torture interrogations’ the person is not yet convicted ‘guilty’ (Fiala, 109).Torture, in its own terms, has long been considered as an immoral act. Nevertheless, torture as a type of punishment can be justified since the ‘victim’ of torture is ‘guilty’ of a certain crime which could have been worst than the punishment (torture) in itself. The possibility of torturing an innocent individual creates a moral debate regarding the permissibility of torture. The utilitarian principle requires the maximization of happiness and minimization of unhappiness as standard for morality.In the ‘tick ing time-bomb’ scenario, as mentioned by Casebeer (271) and in the documentary by Gibney, a bomb is placed in a certain field or establishment and only one person (a terrorist or the bomber) knows how to locate and defuse the bomb. If the bomb explodes, several people will be affected or will die, thus, all necessary parameters are to be taken to extract the relevant information from that person (terrorist or bomber). Torturing one person to be able to save more number of people is of course considerable.But it should not be taken for granted that this argument is ‘hypothetical’. In reality, this situation may not even exist. Deontological ethics focus on a person’s duty which implies the respect for another person’s rights. People, according to this ethical framework, should not be treated as means rather as an end (Casebeer, 266). In torturing another person to extract information that would benefit more people denotes using that other person as m eans. Whether the person is guilty or innocent, torture interrogation would still involve disrespect to the other person’s right and humanity.In reflecting on the documentary, a taxi driver nicknamed Dilawar died of homicide due to ‘blunt force of injuries to lower extremities that complicates coronary artery disease’ as a result of ‘torture interrogation’. The documentary elaborated that Dilawar is not-guilty. Furthermore, the documentary also highlighted that 93% of the suspected terrorists are turned over to the United States forces to gain bounties or rewards. It also turned out that Dilawar is included in this 93%. With these in mind, the act of torture interrogation is blatantly immoral.Despite the fact that legal documents and loopholes can be found to justify the act of ‘torture interrogation’ as can be deduced from documents, such as the memorandum for William J. Haynes II dated March 14, 2003, torture interrogation is morally i mpermissible. To better justify this position, Fiala argued about the possibility of the ‘slippery slope’ fallacy that might result if torture terrorism would be justified and practiced in ‘extreme cases’ or ‘supreme emergencies’ (quoted by Fiala from Walzer). According to Fiala, politicians or people who are granted the necessary authority to conduct torture terrorism might abuse their power.As Fiala states, ‘when political agents makes exceptions to moral principles, these exceptions can become precedents that serve to normalize immoral behavior’. In ‘Taxi to the Dark Side’, there is an argument regarding the slippery slope phenomena that transpired during the change in the ‘interrogation methods’ for the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. According to the documentary, the changes in the interrogation techniques are only applicable in Guantanamo. Nonetheless, the ambiguity and loopholes that surrounds the issu e resulted to the application of the interrogation techniques to Iraq.The danger of the slippery slope is when the technique is applied to innocent individuals. The documentary also mentioned that there are other prisoners that are sent to Guantanamo or in places outside the United States that permits torture interrogation because this methodology is illegal in the United States. After the discussion of the moral impermissibility of torture interrogation, it might be obvious to some people that torture interrogation is wrong. However, the question ‘why are there people who conduct such immoral acts’, might linger to a person’s mind.‘Taxi to the Other Side’ illustrates the confusion and the pressure that interrogators undergo during the ‘War against Terrorism’. Most of the pressure comes from the government, the need to justify an attack or the arrest of a person. Another source of pressure, as explained in the documentary, comes from oth er soldiers. As one soldier testified ‘I don’t want to go against my fellow soldiers’. Fiala (101) described the possibility of this situation as ‘a political pressure to take decisive and dramatic actions without regard for moral niceties’.This essay concludes that torture interrogation is morally impermissible based on the utilitarian and deontological ethical frameworks. Humans should be treated as humans. Punishments should be carried out effectively and justly. Torture interrogation does not treat humans humanely. Moreover, torture of the innocent is highly unacceptable under moral precepts. A clearer guidance on the interrogation process must be devised to be able to minimize the dangers of slipping down the use of torture interrogation specifically when there is a high pressure to produce information.Legal justifications are not enough to excuse or validate the use of torture during interrogation. It merely served as evidence that the legal st andards are flawed and needs immediate repair (reconstruction/revision). References Casebeer, W. D. (2005). â€Å"Torture Interrogation of Terrorists†. Fiala, A. (2008). â€Å"Torture and Terrorism†. Gibney, A. (2007) â€Å"Taxi to the Dark Side†. Luban, D. (2005). â€Å"Torture, American Style†. Office of Legal Counsel. (2003). â€Å"Torture Memo†.

пятница, 27 сентября 2019 г.

BatmanThe Dark Kninght Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BatmanThe Dark Kninght - Article Example It carves a work of twisted beauty from it. Along with the film, â€Å"the dark knight† came a soundtrack, which was equally dark, violent, tortured, and relentless. The purists of the film music may find this soundtrack to be a bit offbeat to match their tastes. Certainly, they would not be wrong. The fact about the dark knight soundtrack is it represents a highly stylized approach in the creation of a film score. The music of Batman in the movie is iconic. While the music at the beginning of the movie is impressive, it actually does not give a comparison to what the duo have concocted when it comes to their second foray into the underbelly of the Gotham city, which is dark. Within the films context, the music assists in creating an unnerving sense of panic, chaos, dread, and fear. Zimmer and Howard help in creating a clashing dissonance for the joker that unnerves the listener. The Salvo used in the opening â€Å"why so serious?† is one among those tracks, which are used to create a disturbing feeling in persons bones. The soundtrack utilizes strings in a dissonant way to throw the listener off balance. It further creates a sense of malice and disconnect through the shift of rhythm, which jar them violently. The only sound an individual can hear when the soundtracks come to a quasi-silence is the recreation of the heartbeat palpitating. This palpitation of the heart serves to magnify the sheer horror and terror in the movie. This track in the film is a reminiscent of some of the Philip Glass’s composition in several ways, although it is progressive in nature. In conclusion, this music is the most jarring and daring composition ever to be used in filming. It is quite impossible to follow twisted things such as â€Å"why so serious?† but Howard and Zimmer have been able to manage and keep the wonderful thematic in progress. They have been able to roll over some of the nuances in the first track into the much more classically natured

четверг, 26 сентября 2019 г.

Cocktail presentation design report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cocktail presentation design report - Assignment Example Although the contents of the presentation were all designed from scratch, the built-in presentation wizard was used to see if any suitable template exists. A template designed for introducing a new product was deemed to be suitable so it was used for the overall background and style with modifications. This template had horizontal stripes which matched the way the cocktail mixtures have been depicted. The steps followed in using the wizard are shown in the figure below. Figure 1: The steps followed in using the presentation wizard In step 3 of the wizard, the basic slide transition effect was selected as Comb Horizontal which again was considered to be suitable because it matched both the cocktail depictions and the horizontally striped background. The speed was set as normal. This setting was applied to all the slides and all the slides except the ones showing the cocktails individually retained this setting. During step 4, the main title and the presenters name were entered. In ste p 5, the content pages suggested by the wizard were deselected because they were related to introducing a new product whereas I only used the background and style from this template. The cover or title slide of the presentation is shown below. Figure 2: Screenshot of the title slide of the presentation The presentation was then given an outline and ordering for the slides as shown in the table below. The initial duration of each slide is also stated in the third column and these timings were set according to the length of the time required to view or read the contents of each slide. The glasses sound effect was used for the main slide transitions besides the horizontal combing effect. Table 1: Organisation of the slides in the presentation Slide # Content Initial set duration (s) 1 Title slide showing the 4 parts 4 2 Shows the different cocktails 4 3 Relaxing Blue Hawaiian 2 4 Refreshing Daiquiri 2 5 Delicious Pina Colada 2 6 Tropical Mai Tai 2 7 Fruity Bahama Mama 2 8 Original Marg arita 2 9 Cooling Rum Runner 2 10 Creamy White Russian 2 11 Shows the different cocktails 2 12 Common ingredients 6 13 Glasses used for serving I 6 14 Glasses used for serving II 6 15 Preparation times (Ready in) 6 16 Closing slide 4 It can be seen from the above outline that the presentation covers all four of the main ideas about the eight popular cocktails, i.e. (1) origin, (2) ingredients, (3) type of glass used and (4) preparation time which are introduced at the beginning in the first slide. Later, background music was also added to the presentation to give an impression of being in a place where cocktails are being served as far as possible. Also the same blind effect was used for all the transitions set at a duration of 2 seconds and the sound effect was removed so that the background music could be heard instead. Each slide was also made to display for the same duration of 5 seconds. The different cocktails are first shown together (in slide 2) as shown below, and then indi vidually while being enlarged. Slides 3 to 10 have been made to behave as sub-slides by appearing between two slides both showing the complete range of cocktails. That is, to reinforce that this displying of the cocktails individually is a momentary divergence, the same picture of different cocktails in slide 11 appears as in slide 2. The flags above each cocktail show the origin of that cocktail and the preparation time is also marked inside a black circle besides each glass. Figure 3: Screenshot of the Different Cocktails slide The presentation then gives information on the common ingredients in slide 12. This information has been displayed in a table format as shown in the screenshot below because it makes it

Global Versus Domestic only Mergers and Acquisitions Essay

Global Versus Domestic only Mergers and Acquisitions - Essay Example The strategy of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) plays an important role to both sides of the growth path by enabling strong companies to assume faster growth than their competition thereby rewarding entrepreneurs for their efforts and ensuring the weaker companies get swallowed faster and even made redundant through share erosion and exclusion. M&A, therefore, is a crucial fraction of any healthy economy by basically ensuring that shareholders are able to gain rewards from their businesses (Thomson & Martin, 2005). This fact, coalesced with the potential for large returns makes M&A a highly attractive method for entrepreneurs and business owners to capitalize on their company values. It is, therefore, no wonder that the unique business trend of M&A has, in the recent times, become a common occurrence in the business world between firms seeking to achieve strategic value for themselves. M&A deals always make media headlines probably due to the huge amounts of cash that some of them entail, sometimes involving billions of US dollars which may exceed the GDP of some small countries. The main reason for their occurrence is to boost the shareholder value of both firms and this is also used as a performance measure to gauge the success of M&A (Galpin & Herndon, 2007). M&A is used as a survival tactic during tough economic times and in most cases involves strong companies buying out smaller ones to create more cost-efficient, competitive companies. M&A can either take place between firms operating within a country’s borders (domestic M&A) or beyond a particular country’s boundaries (global M&A). This article will provide a general overview of merger and acquisitions and then compare and contrast the domestic and global M&A using a few case studies (Aoki, Jackson & Miyajima, 2007).

среда, 25 сентября 2019 г.

Critical Analysis of the Poem Patriotism by Sir Walter Scott Essay

Critical Analysis of the Poem Patriotism by Sir Walter Scott - Essay Example For example, the first point where allusions come into play is the idea of death but not physical death since that only comes at the end of the poem for the unpatriotic person. Scott alludes that a man without pride in his own country has a dead soul and not only is it a dead soul it is dead in the extreme. That person’s physical death will result in him/her ‘doubly dying’ since the physical as well as the spiritual aspects of the person would die in such a scenario. The rhyme scheme of the poem figures largely in couplets which go together very well even though the third line seems to be slightly out of rhyme since it is a quote which the man in question has not said. However, the continuation of the poem establishes a scheme which goes as AA B CC D EE FF GG HH and so on. This also establishes the iambic pentameter measure of the poem that makes it easy to read while the words themselves hold pointed meaning for the readers of the work. The imagery in the poem sh ines through with the idea of such a man being given titles, a proud name and wealth but no real soul since these worldly goods will end for that man once he has died. However, since he had no patriotism in his soul, his death remains unnoticed because he was concentrated only on his own self and never for the country to which he belonged. This is indeed an image of despair which is only highlighted by the next section that shows that his death, much like his life remained without use to his country or even to those who were around him. In conclusion, it becomes easy to say that Scott himself comes across as being immensely patriotic and the poem in question certainly shows what he thinks about those who are unpatriotic. While patriotism may be a dangerous emotion for some, individuals such as Sir Walter Scott would make it the first criteria for having a soul or for being a good person. I found the poem to be quite uplifting in the beginning but the

вторник, 24 сентября 2019 г.

Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Nursing - Research Paper Example The stages of change can be accounted for by using the following measures or constructs: decisional balance and self-efficacy or temptations. The former construct mirrors the person’s reflection of the advantages and disadvantages of the behavior (â€Å"Transtheoretical Model,† n.d.). It involves grouping together different categories of pros and cons, and deliberating which among the two groups is deemed more important. Plotting of the results in a line graph will demonstrate that the perceived value of a pro or a con will have changed over time, depending on the stage of change that the person is at. The self-efficacy, or temptation, construct on the other hand, depicts the co-worker’s confidence to cope with the stresses associated with the behavioral change; or the temptation to fall back to old habits (â€Å"Transtheoretical Model,† n.d.). When plotted in a graph, data will show that self-efficacy increases, while temptation decreases, as the person p rogresses through the succeeding stages of change. By using this model, change of habits and behaviors will be more effective since change is voluntary. Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior The Theory of Reasoned Action proposes that â€Å"...the immediate determinant of behavior is intention...† (Kohler, Grimley, & Reynolds, 1999, p. 25). ... Subjective norm, on the other hand, is influenced by the approval or disapproval of the behavior by people important to the person. If washing hands gain a seal of approval from a child’s mother, then the child will have the strong intent to perform the act. A new modification of the aforementioned theory is the Theory of Planned Behavior; it adds an additional factor--perceived behavioral control, to the list that influences behavioral intention (Kohler, Grimley, & Reynolds, 1999, p. 27). Perceived behavioral control refers to the person’s perception of the barriers and resources that can aid or impede the performance of the behavior. Perceived difficulties can have a negative effect on intention, whereas resources can induce a positive effect. By employing these theories in the prevention of infection in the health care setting, the nurse will be able to identify the different beliefs that affect practices in infection control; and educate proper techniques, as well a s correct false notions, so as to focus behavioral intention on proper infection-prevention activities. The most encouraging messages are those that highlight the decline of incidence of infection, as well as the assurance of protection from harm (Kohler, Grimley, & Reynolds, 1999, p. 28). Use of Katharine Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort The foundation of nursing practice, hence nursing theories, came into being in the late 1950s. Before this time, theories applied in nursing were borrowed from other disciplines. In order to affirm its relevance as a profession and to couple nursing art with evidence-based practice, a set of theories were established to support and prove the practicability, as well as the applicability of different nursing interventions. The

понедельник, 23 сентября 2019 г.

Health Information Management System (HIMS) Strategic Plan and process Term Paper

Health Information Management System (HIMS) Strategic Plan and process reflecting an information system model for an Internal Medicine Clinic - Term Paper Example In strengths and opportunities, the significance of the systems in terms of the accuracy of data keeping, and ways through which the process can be improved are looked to earn the process more credibility by limiting avoidable medical errors. Due to advancing technological innovation n the contemporary world, HIMS programs are more preferred to primitive conventional data collection and maintenance processes, which was mainly kept on hard copies (Emmendorfer et al, 2012; Diana, Kazley, & Menachemi, 2011). Although, there is substantial support for development of the HIMS within the department in different quarters, the implementation of HIMS has been uneven since the technological growth reached a crescendo in the first decade of the twenty-first century. This has impacted a disorderly system. In light of this, it is imperative to address matters relating to human resourcing and HIMS organization within the facility, and the regional offices to guarantee sustainability of personnel or technologies. Further, current techniques of data gathering are overly complex and are largely problematic for clinicians to use. The XYZ’s Internal Medicine Clinic has immense opportunities that will likely result in its HIMS growth and development. An issue such as increasing market segments, which are set to develop in the current technology aided world, are one such opportunity. Further, globalization through, brought about by the Internet revolution is likely to offer immense outsourcing potential for clients across the globe. Distribution channels looking forward to new and effective treatment options, for instance, will likely impact positively on not only the department but the whole XYZ facility. The entrance of several players in the healthcare market will likely shrink the returns the company gets from the targeted market of clients in need of the Internal Medicine Clinic services. New technology may make

воскресенье, 22 сентября 2019 г.

Bend it like Beckham Essay Example for Free

Bend it like Beckham Essay All cultures have different ways of showing respect and how there life is. In Bend it Like Beckham director Gurinder Chadha shows us the Indian life with the character Jessminda. Jessminda’s dreams are more important than her culture so she does not want to be the typical traditional Indian girl her parents want her to be; it sets the tone of depressed, troubled, and motivated. Jessminda changes throughout the story. At first she is really depressed because she wants to play soccer but her parents won’t let her. The reason why they won’t let her is because her culture is against her playing a boy sport that shows body parts her culture is against showing. The author shows us the tone of depressed by having Jessminda act sad and rude towards her parents. Also he shows the tone of depressed by having calm sentimental music playing. For example, ff she follows her culture her parents will be happy and she will have to give up scholarships that she could have. If she plays soccer her parents will be mad at her but she will get what she’s been wanting. Then her best friend, Jules stops talking to her because she sees Jess kiss there soccer coach, Joe. The reason her friend got mad is because Jess knew Jules and there soccer coach. The author uses this fight with her friend to show more depression that Jessminda is going through. He shows by putting them together and have them argue and he angles the camera close up to show their emotions as there talking. Culture is a big part of our lives but do we always follow it or would we rather follow our dreams? Jess starts to become daring which makes her start getting in trouble. She does what she has to just so she can play in soccer games. For example her parents and sister leave but she acts like she is sick so she doesn’t have to go with them but once they leave she goes to play in a soccer game but her dad had to go back to the house and finds out that she isn’t home. He then goes to where her game is and watches her play. Her parent’s hate that she wants to play soccer but her dad sees how much she likes it but she’s sneaking out to go play. By the author putting in this scene, he is showing that sometimes people have to do what they need to just to get what they want. He shows us the process of Jessminda lying to her parents and going and playing the game. This shows that she is a troubled girl who will show how much she likes something that means something to her. Everyone has those moments when we have to sneak away to do something that we really want to do. In addition another example of her being troubled is when she starts falling in love with their coach. She knows her culture only allows Indian woman to date Indian boys that the family accepts. Her falling for Joe is risking her life and his. The author shows us being troubled by having them two alone, dark nights so they fall in love. She does spend a lot of time with Joe but only because he is her soccer coach. Everyone has moments when we do things that changes us as a person. Jess becomes motivated to playing soccer. If it wasn’t for her coach she would of quit right in the beginning when her parents told her she couldn’t play. The problem is if she doesn’t play she won’t get the scholarships she can get and she won’t go on to college. So her coach talks to her and tells her if she just plays this championship game she will have a scholarship because they will be out there watching how they play. The author uses this to show that there are chances out there. Another problem is that her sister’s wedding lands on the day of the championship game, and her parents will not let her miss her sister’s wedding. She is sad that she can’t go but until her dad sees that she is talking to the guy her parents want her to marry and he sees what’s going on. They then tell her dad that the championship game is going on and she’s missing it so he tells them to go. This example shows confident by Chadha having her dad give her a chance to play. She then goes to the game and gets more motivated that when she gets there Jules is happy to see her so they could play together. She then played and ended up making the winning goal. After the game the person who was watching them to see if they can get there scholarships went up to them and offered them there scholarships. While he is watching them play Chadha keeps having the camera go to him to show how he reacts to good or bad plays. The camera angles help shows motivation and confidence by they keeps repeating his reaction. Chadha has good parts and bad parts to get us thinking. If it wasn’t for her coach Joe she would have given up her dream to respect her culture but now she has a scholarship that leads her to a better successful life. Cultures are what people believe in and that they follow but sometimes there’s a negative side in our culture that cannot always be followed. Everyone changes as a person good or bad and have different types of attitudes towards what he or she wants or has. Jessmindas dreams were more important to her that she went against her culture but her dad accepted it.

суббота, 21 сентября 2019 г.

Classroom Discourse Analysis

Classroom Discourse Analysis Classroom Teacher Children What Characteristic patterns of classroom discourse are apparent in the passage below? Context: This discourse takes place in a first-grade classroom in the USA, where the children are approximately 6 years old. The teacher has been reading from a book on hurricanes and tornados. 1. Manuel: Uh, if tornados go to the Antarctica, what the penguin gonna do? 2. Teacher: Oh, you know what*†¦ 3. Male Child: They could go under water. 4. Teacher: Could they go under water? What kind of protection could a penguin have? 5. Bernardo: If there’s enemies // if there’s enemies, how could a penguin go underneath the water if there’s enemies? 6. Teacher: Oh, he wouldn’t want to go underneath the water would he? Well, who’s his enemy? 7. Children: The seal. 8. Teacher: The seals, yeah. Good thinking, questioner, yeah. 9. Children: [several students speaking at once] 10. Teacher: Alright, Manuel had his hand up first. He asked a really important question. He said, ‘well, what can a penguin do if he knows that a tornado is coming’? Wasn’t that your question? 11. Bernardo: No, that was mine. 12. Teacher: Well, together you were kind of talking about it. Now listen. That’s a really good question. Now let’s try to the question†¦ 13. Teacher: Now, I’m going to go over and get a book. In fact†¦ Alejandro, no, Manuel, you go over and get the Emperor penguin book. The one from National Geographic on the table over there. (Adapted from the Shuart-Faris and Bloome, 2004, p. 106). From their beginnings children grow up learning language. This complex learning process is often taken for granted, as babies absorb and begin responding to the language which surrounds them. Bancroft (2007) suggests that these early language developments take place primarily between the dyad, in other words the child and his/her main caregiver (p.14). As children get older they become exposed to, and learn from, a much wider group of people and this helps to develop their ability to use language effectively. While the development of language skills is an on-going process, the children in the example of classroom discourse above have clearly already developed many of the skills essential in spoken language. These children can conform to the basic rules of conversation, such as turn taking and responding to prompts, recognising the teacher as being the initiator and themselves as respondents. They have also already developed enough comprehension of vocabulary to be able to participate in the discourse and have enough language knowledge to behave appropriately within the context of a classroom discussion. At approximately six years of age, these children appear to have already developed some of the skills which Crystal (1995) identified as essential acquisitions for young language learners; an extensive vocabulary, with words such as ‘enemies’ and ‘underneath’ along with comprehension of words such as ‘protection’, and knowledge and use of grammatical structure, such as the sentence formation shown in lines one, three, five and eleven (cited in Bancroft, 2007, p. 5). This discourse, according to Crystal’s (1995) theory, is a reasonably representative example, as he claims that at least three quarters of all grammar is understood by most children by the time they first attend school (cited in Bancroft, 2007, p.5). Sinclair and Coulthard (1975) were the first linguists to describe the structural element of classroom talk, otherwise known as Initiation-Response-Feedback exchange or IRF (cited in Mercer, 2007, p.122). Mercer (2007) explains that IRF exchanges between teacher and pupil are considered to be standard interaction, with the teacher asking questions and the pupil(s) responding (p.122). As a result of their research, Wills (1983) and Edwards (1992) concluded that children quickly become familiar with the use of IRF within the structure of classroom discourse, and will automatically begin to participate in it (cited in Mercer, 2007, p.124). In the transcript above we can see clear examples of IRF; in both lines 4 and 6 the teacher asks direct questions to their pupils. In the first IRF exchange the teacher asks two questions and while the first was a closed question which could be answered by one ‘correct’ answer, by following it immediately with an open question, it would s eem that the teacher was attempting to make the children consider the subject before prompting a discussion. In the second IRF exchange, seen on line 6, the teacher again asks two questions at once, these however are both quite closed questions which indeed are followed by all of the children answering together with the correct answer of ‘the seal’. The most common form of IRF, consisting of closed questions being asked, has received criticism from educational researchers such as Dillon (1988) and Wood (1992) who feel that little opportunity is given for pupils to develop their ability to reason, argue and explain using language (cited in Mercer, 2007, p.123). Mercer (2007) however argues that, by including open questions in these exchanges, IRF can be used positively to shape pupils awareness and help them gain deeper understanding. He concludes that, while he accepts criticisms of IRF, caution must be taken in simply associating language structures, or verbs used in questions, with language functions, the act of asking a question, as what is ultimately more revealing is looking at the context in which these exchanges occur (p.124). A good example of this is a recording on the U211 DVD (2007) of a teacher speaking to secondary school students about a project they were participating in. As we are able to hear this discourse we c an assess the use of tone, intonation and stress patterns, along with the language structure and language function to give a much clearer idea as to the effectiveness of IRF. Throughout this IRF exchange the teacher is encouraging the students to share, and expand on, information about their project, using open questions along with informal, supportive and friendly intonation (Unit 20). Without the ability to hear the classroom discourse exchange in our question, we should acknowledge that we can only make limited judgements as to the mode of IRF used. One aspect of classroom discourse which is not present in our example is that of specialised technical terms. Children in education will inevitably encounter these terms, as Mercer (2007) explains, which come from specific vocabularies of the different subjects within their curriculum. The fact that technical terms are lacking from our example could be due to the age of the children, as pupils will progressively become exposed to, and begin to use, these terms as they go through their education. Mercer notes that the use of this language can be confusing for pupils and easily misinterpreted, with children reliant upon the teachers skill in helping to learn and understand them (p.127). In our discourse example a teacher is present and is initiating, shaping and controlling the conversation. Mercer (2007) however comments on how school based language interaction between teachers and pupils differs greatly to that between pupils only. He suggests that pupils working in groups or pairs without the presence of a teacher tend to make extended contributions to the conversation, are more willing to share knowledge, offer explanations and express uncertainty, probably due to their shared status (p.131). Teachers undoubtedly play an important role in the education of children, however we should consider whether more pupils in our example would have shared their knowledge if they had been discussing the topic without the teachers presence. We can see on lines 7 and 9 more than one child talking at once, firstly to provide an answer to a closed question and secondly in inaudible speech, but besides these there are only two children who offer answers in this, admittedly small section, of discourse. While researching the topic of classroom discourse, Halliday (1985) stressed the importance of a child’s understanding and use of the distinctive register of written English (cited in Mercer, 2007, p.139). Halliday’s theory of functional linguistics was the basis of the development of the genre approach, which recognised that language needed to be used in different ways dependent upon the context or medium for which it was being used (Maybin, cited in Mercer, 2007, p.140). In other words, as Mercer (2007) explains, children need to learn education ground rules, or conventions, in order to recognise and utilize language effectively (p.138). These ground rules include learning specialised words, patterns of classroom interactions and the differences between spoken language and written texts (DVD, Unit 20). Mercer (2007) also acknowledges that rather than these ground rules being directly taught, children will learn them through their teacher’s example and feedback (p.139). In our example we have no written comparison for the transcribed spoken language, and it is therefore difficult to assess just how different the language would be if the children had been writing about tornados rather than discussing them. Maybin (1994) suggests that ‘written genres tend to be more condensed and abstract’ (cited in Mercer, 2007, p.139). In line 5 of our example we can see an example of this, with Bernardo possibly speaking while still determining what it is that he wants to say. Had he been asked to write his question, we would be unlikely to see any evidence of the false start or repetition of the words ‘if there’s enemies’ which we see in his speech, as the ground rules of written language require the thought process to be completed prior to writing. One of the most important points about our example, as mentioned earlier, is with only a written transcript of the conversation it is difficult to be able to fully analyse the discourse. Intonation, rate of speech and facial expressions, also known as paralinguistic features, play an important role in spoken language (Mayor, 2007, p.71), and without knowledge of this we cannot be sure of the rapport between the teacher and their students. We can see clear evidence of IRF in our example, but what we cannot gauge is the extent to which the teacher was engaging and encouraging the pupils. What is clear is that the complete process of learning is extensive, with children developing unspoken rules of language alongside the curriculum. Learning, by example and through the feedback, the ground rules of language – the construction of different forms of language, specialised technical terms and discourse patterns – is just as important as learning specific set information, as wi thout it children would grow up unable to communicate effectively. REFERENCES (2007) ‘English as a classroom language’in Resource and Reference Materials 1, The Open University, p.25 – 30. An A-Z of English, U211, DVD 2. Bancroft, D., with contributions from Gillen, J., (2007) ‘English as a first language’, N. Mercer, J. Swann and B. Mayor, Using English, London, Routledge/The Open University, p.5 36. Mayor, B., (2007) ‘English in the repertoire’, N. Mercer, J. Swann and B. Mayor, Using English, London, Routledge/The Open University, p.43 72. Mercer, N., with contributions from Barnes, D., (2007) ‘English as a classroom language’, N. Mercer, J. Swann and B. Mayor, Using English, London, Routledge/The Open University, p.117 – 142.

пятница, 20 сентября 2019 г.

Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation Essay example -- Explorat

Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation At the time of the agricultural revolution, nearly ten thousand years ago, the population of the globe was no more than ten million. Today the world population is estimated at over six billion. In the last hundred years the population has more than tripled. With the population rising at an enormous rate of 1.7 million a week, the world as a whole is being drained of its resources. (Southwick, 1996) Different theories have prevailed on what will occur as the population continues to explode ranging from the Malthusian apocalypse to absolutely no effects at all. Over the last two centuries as agricultural and technological advancements came about, the planet's overall carrying capacity increased dramatically. It is estimated that the world could support over twenty times its current population living at 120 per square meter in 2000-story buildings. (Dolan, 1974) Overpopulation not only adversely affects the "environment," or nature, but also has a large impact on human societies today. Environmental degradation and population growth go hand in hand. As more people enter the world, there is a greater need for space, furthering damage to our surroundings. As populations grew in response to the agricultural revolution of ancient times more land was required for cultivation to feed the rising populations. Forests were cleared, waterways were diverted, and the soil exhausted, all a result of the expanding populace. Even today in parts of the world, especially third world countries, land is being cleared by slash and burn methods for grazing land and urban development. Whole species of organisms in areas like the Amazon rainforest have most likely been lost due to this method of deforestatio... ...devastating effects, notably poverty, disease, and famine, on poorer countries that cannot handle the needed health care for their mounting populations. Rapid growth of the human population is occurring today with three births for each death. (Southwick, 1996) The modern countries of today cannot turn their back on the third world as everything that occurs on this planet is related. These issues are becoming more and more difficult to solve and are escalating each day. More time and effort needs to be done to look at the root of these issues if there is any hope to fix them. References: Dolan, Edwin G., Ch. 5 from "TANSTAAFL: The Economic Strategy for Environmental Crisis" 1974 Southwick, Charles H., Ch. 15 from "Global Ecology in Human Perspective" Oxford Univ. Press, 1996 Tennenbaum, Erica. http://www.tulane.edu/~rouxbee/kids98/egypt3.html October 20, 1998

четверг, 19 сентября 2019 г.

Essay --

The One and Only The game of basketball has always been changing. Players go in and out of the NBA every season, adding their own style and achievements. However, no one has ever had greater accomplishments than Michael Jordan. He was destined to be an all-star his whole life and performed that way throughout his career despite many hardships. Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York, on February 17, 1963. He has two brothers, James Jr. and Larry, and two sisters, Deloris and Roslyn. He moved with his siblings and parents, James Sr. and Deloris, to Wilmington, North Carolina before he was one year old. He always loved to play sports as a boy. Although he played football and basketball as well, Jordan’s passion as a child was baseball. As a little league pitcher, he threw several no-hitters and led his team to as close as one game away from the Little League World Series. He was eventually named â€Å"Mr. Baseball† in his age group in 1975 by the Dixie Youth Baseball Association. Jordan’s talents continued to flourish as he transitioned into Laney High School in Wilmington. For one stretch, he had a 42-inning scoreless streak, a school record. Despite his outstanding achievements in baseball, he became extremely driven to excel as a basketball player. This was due to his older brother, Larr y, who beat him in a game. It seemed like a very simple reason, but it’s all he needed to become the best he could be. As a 5’ 9’’ sophomore at Laney High, Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team. However, he was not good enough to make the team and was passed over for another sophomore, 6’ 8’’ Leroy Smith. Jordan was heartbroken and quoted: "It was embarrass... ...sted a year and a half. He took a short break in 2004 when he lent his name to a motorcycle racing team in order to create Michael Jordan Motorsports. However, he returned to the NBA in 2006 when he became part-owner of the Charlotte Bobcats. In March of 2010, he bought the team from majority owner Robert Johnson which gave him full ownership. He is still the owner to this day. It may be opinion, but Michael Jordan is considered the best player to ever play basketball. His career stats and six NBA championships put him much farther ahead in the record books than anyone else. He is a true inspiration to every basketball player across the globe and is an icon in the fashion and sports worlds. The entire game of basketball was revolutionized during his career as well. Michael Jordan’s stats and achievements prove he is one of the greatest players in basketball history.

среда, 18 сентября 2019 г.

The Iraqi War Essay -- Papers Opinion Argumentative War Terrorism

The Iraqi War This is a discursive essay for the argument against America going to war with Iraq. In this essay, I will briefly include a summary about Iraq and go on to give evidence about previous incidents and other significant points that finally led to the war. Iraq is a dictatorship that was under the rule of the tyrant Saddam Hussein until the coalition forces invaded and toppled the Iraqi regime. Saddam Hussein officially became a dictator in the year 1979. Since then, he has caused many disruptions and has terribly ruled Iraq. Saddam was supported by the military of Iraq and he was a really brutal man. The people of Iraq were tortured and murdered under this dictator. There was a time where Saddam was interested in developing weapons to fight against other countries. At that time, Iraq did not have close links with neighbouring countries such as Iran. Saddam Hussein then saw Iran as a slightly vulnerable country and started a conflict with its neighbour. Hisorically, there were differences between Iraq and Iran. These differences can be seen in religious matters, border disputes and politics. These led to animosity between the two countries which heightened during the rule of Saddam Hussein. Fortunately, the war was ended in 1988. Since then, Saddam had an interest in developing what is known as "weapons of mass destruction". These weapons can exist as chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. Somewhere in the middle of the year 1990, Iraqis accused Kuwait of stealing their oil and selling it at low prices, thus damaging the Iraqi economy. Iraq then went on to invade Kuwait on August the 2nd, 1990. This most un... ...sualties of the war, some innocent civilians. Until now, there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. President Bush took drastic action on Iraq without any reason. There were not also complete backing from the international community to proceed in this war. Going to war is not a very democratic decision and America should have tried other civilised ways to deal with Iraq. America's plans were to go in and find weapons of mass destruction and to get rid of the Iraqi regime. They did not need to go to war to do this. The war claimed many lives of civilians and soldiers and over $93 billion spent. This money could be used for better purposes such as helping poor countries and funding useful projects. Fortunately, the leader of the regime, Saddam Hussien was finally captured later in early December 2003.

вторник, 17 сентября 2019 г.

Tourism: An Attractive Industry For Economic Development

ABSTRACT Tourism is widely recognized as an important catalyst for economic growth. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the tourism industry is amongst the biggest industries that make substantial contribution to the economy in terms of its contribution to the GDP, the revenue generated, increased employment and other benefits. The success of the tourism industry begs the question what are the characteristics that make it an attractive industry for economic growth. In order to respond to this question, this analysis will explore on the various tourist attraction sites including natural and cultural attractions, heritage sites, national and wildlife parks, theme parks, gardens and museums, beaches and coastal regions, and entertainment and events. This will include examining how these attractions contribute to economic development. UK will be used as the case study. INTRODUCTION Tourism is widely recognized as an important catalyst for economic growth. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the tourism industry is amongst the biggest industries that make substantial contributions to the economy in terms of its contribution to the GDP, the revenue generated, increased employment and other benefits (Business tourism 2003). Take for example the UK, the 6th largest destination in the world attracting over 32 million overseas visitors yearly (Williams et al., 2010). UK’s tourism industry is the 5th largest industry and contributes to a large proportion of the GDP. In 2007, the industry was valued at ?114 billion representing 8.2% of GDP and employing over 2.65 million people (Williams et al., 2010). In 2009, the industry was valued at ?115.4 billion of the UK economy, hence representing 8.9% of UK GDP (Williams et al., 2010). The tourism industry is further anticipated to grow yearly at 2.6%, a growth rate similar to that of retail and construction industries (Williams et al., 2010). Indeed, tourism increasingly continues to become an attractive industry for economic growth with an increasing number of visitors. This begs the question what are the characteristics that make tourism an attractive industry for economic developmentThis analysis is thus intended on exploring on these characteristics with a focus on the factors that lead to economic development. Before giving an overview of the fundamental aspects of the economics of tourism, we will first define what we understand by the term â€Å"tourism† WHAT IS TOURISM? The term â€Å"tourism† was first defined by Hunziker and Krapf (1942), the main pioneers of tourism research. They defined tourism as a sum of relations and phenomena that resulted from travelling and staying of non-residents. In this context, a stay does not result into permanent residence of the individual and is not in any way connected to permanent or temporary earning activity. This conceptual definition was for a considerable time generally accepted but had certain flaws. For example, a visit to the hospital could be considered as a form of tourism. Furthermore, under this conceptual definition, non-residents were only identified with foreigners; hence domestic tourism had no place in it. In the later years, a more succinct definition of tourism was put forth by the British Tourism Society. Based on the work of Burkart & Medlik (1974), the British Tourism Society adopted the following definition. Tourism is deemed to be inclusive of any activity concerned with short-term movement of people to destinations other than their neither main continuous domiciles nor place of work (Burkart & Medlik 1974. Within this conceptual definition, activities involving a stay or a visit to the destination are included. It also allows for domestic and day visits as well. This definition still applies up to date. Another conceptual definition that deserves special attention is that put forth by Gilbert (1990). Gilbert (1990) posits that tourism is a part of recreation that involves travelling to other destinations for a short term-period with the aim of satisfying a consumer need. This definition places tourism in the overall context of recreation. Recreation according to Cooper et al. (1993) refers to the pursuits engaged in during leisure time. However, it should be noted that tourism is not only confined to activities carried out during leisure time. Part of the tourism (business tourism in particular) takes place during working time including conventions and business meetings. TOURIST SECTORS Tourism comprise of five main sectors: THE ATTRACTION SECTOR: – this sector comprise of the natural and cultural attractions, heritage sites, national and wildlife parks, theme parks, gardens and museums, beaches and coastal regions, and entertainment and events (Anon 2004). THE ACCOMMODATION SECTOR: – this sector comprise of the hotels, motels, apartments, villas and flats, guest houses, holiday villages, campsites, marinas, touring caravans and condominium timeshares (Anon 2004). THE TRANSPORT SECTOR: – Consists of the airlines, railways, shipping lines, car rental operators, and bus and coach operators (Anon 2004). THE TRAVEL ORGANIZER SECTOR: – the sector covers tour operators, travel agents and incentive travel organizers among others (Anon 2004). THE DESTINATION ORGANIZATION SECTOR: – this includes regional and national tourist offices, local tourist officers and tourism associations (Anon 2004). In order to answer the question: what are the characteristics that make tourism an attractive industry for economic development, we will explore on the attraction sites discussed above. This will also include exploring on business tourism and its contribution to economic development. CULTURAL AND HERITAGE ATTRACTIONS Cultural and heritage attractions play a significant role in the tourism industry. Most of the world heritage sites have a cultural significance that transcend national boundaries and of importance to the present and future generations. Currently, there are 890 world heritage sites reflecting a rich diversity of the world’s cultural heritage (Endresen 1999). In the United Kingdom, sites as diverse such as the Giant’s Causeway, City of Edinburgh, Blaenavon Industrial landscape, and Manchester City help make up the UK’s heritage (UNESCO 2009). In this context, Manchester city, one of the most vibrant cosmopolitan cities has a thriving art and cultural scene that attracts a large number of visitors. The city’s attraction centres include the sports stadiums, museums and galleries, and music venues (UNESCO 2009). The rich cultural heritage, vibrant arts scene and the multicultural population in UK makes it a very attractive tourist destination. Museums which showcase the best of Britain’s culture and history attract millions of international and domestic visitors. Britain’s culture and heritage is estimated to attracting ?4.5 billion worth of spending by inbound visitors annually (UNESCO 2009). NATURAL LANDSCAPE SITES Another popular attractive site in the tourism industry is the natural landscape. Natural landscapes such as Stonehenge, the most famous and mysterious landmark in the UK, attracts a vast number of tourists (Mieczkowski, 1990). Built over 650 years ago and consisting of a ring of monolithic stones, the landmark is a very popular attractive site. Scenic landscapes such as the Wye Valley, an internationally protected landscape straddling the border between Wales and England also attracts a large number of visitors (Mieczkowski, 1990). This area that covers parts of Hertfordshire, Gloucestershire and Monmouthshire is widely recognized for its gorgeous scenery and dense native woodlands as well as for its wildlife and archaeological remains (Mieczkowski, 1990). NATIONAL AND WILDLIFE PARKS National parks also play a huge role in the tourism industry. Britain’s finest national and wildlife parks, zoos and animal attractions such as the Animalarium attract a large number of visitors (Mathieson & Wall 1982). The national parks offer a variety of activities ranging from walking, exploring on the rich and cultural heritage to pursuing other activities such as cycling, rock climbing, and absailing among others (Mathieson & Wall 1982). An estimated 110 million people are estimated to visit national parks in England and Wales annually (UNESCO 2009). ENTERTAINMENT AND EVENTS Entertainment and events also play a major role in the tourism industry. Majority of the concerts and music festivals taking place in the UK attract more than 7.7 million visitors, domestic and overseas combined (ICTHR 2010). The significant amount of revenue generated from entertainment and events is used in boosting the UK’s economy. A great majority of these tourists are UK residents who travel outside of their regions to attend events and see their favourite artists perform live in another region within the UK (ICTHR 2010). London dominates as the destination for live music tourism in the UK. Music tourists at the capital outnumber the local music fans. Its dominance can be attributed to the high number of domestic music tourists attending concerts. With a population of more than 7 million people, the region is host to the O2 Arena, the most successful concert venue in the world (ICTHR 2010). London region is also a host to Wembley stadium and Royal Albert Hall as well (ICTHR 2010). Its parks, mainly Victoria Park, Hyde Park and Clapham are home to a growing number of music festivals (ICTHR 2010). BEACHES AND COASTAL AREAS Beaches and coastal areas are also a huge attraction site for tourists. Tourism in the south of Wales, for example, is primarily focused on the coastal areas in order to attract its visitors. The Welsh tourist industry which is worth ?3.5billion and makes a significant contribution to Wales’ GDP relies largely on its excellent coastal scenery in attracting tourists (Williams, et.al, 2010) BUSINESS TOURISM Another important, yet least acknowledged component of the tourism industry is business tourism. It is one of the most lucrative components of the tourism industry with various benefits that stimulate the growth of the economy. In the UK, business tourism is a wide sector encompassing Conferences and meetings – the British Conference Market Trends Survey 2001 estimates this to be worth around ?7.3 billion annually (Business report 2003). Exhibitions and trade fairs: – these are listed as the 5th largest marketing medium in the UK attracting 11% of the media expenditure and are estimated at ?2.04 billion annually (Business report 2003). Incentive travel: – the value of inbound incentive travel market is estimated to be around ?165 million annually (Business report 2003). Corporate events: – estimates for this segment are between ?700 million and ?1billion annually (Business report 2003). Outdoor events: – a rough estimate of the outdoor events is around ?1billion annually (Business report 2003). In the past few decades, business tourism has grown significantly exceeding the overall tourism growth rate. According to the International Passenger Survey 2001, business tourism accounted for 29.7% of all overseas visitors to the UK and 31.7% of the inbound earnings (Business report 2003). From what can be discerned, investment in business tourism can significantly stimulate the growth of the economy. It may lead to regeneration of urban and inner cities as evident with Birmingham, Glasgow, Cardiff, Belfast and Manchester (Business report 2003). Its resilience during the great recession makes it even more an attractive industry for investment. The business tourism proved resilient, being less affected by economic downturns and by disasters such as the Foot and Mouth Epidemic unlike leisure tourism (Business report 2003). With the above in mind, it is worthy examining some of the main elements that make attractions to be appealing to many. CHARACTERISTICS OF TOURIST ATTRACTIONS It is important to recognize that tourists’ attractions are not all equal. Some may have more potential to draw visitors than others. The main elements that set attractions apart include quality, uniqueness, authenticity, drawing power and activity options. QUALITY: – high quality is a key principle for tourism development. This means offering smooth customer oriented operations and procedures and ensuring that attractions have a pleasing appearance and that they are visitor friendly (Merchant 2005). This includes asking these questions Is the attraction visitor friendly .How does it rate in terms of the appearance, hospitality, operations and resource protection AUTHENTICITY: – authenticity refers to originality. For example, if it is a cultural heritage attraction, authenticity would imply letting the distinctive local flavour of the community to shine in ways that create a â€Å"sense of place†(Merchant 2005). We can consider: Whether the attraction reflects the natural and cultural heritage of the community UNIQUENESS: – this is the â€Å"edge† that sets attraction apart from competition. It involves asking the fundamental question: Is the attraction unique Take for example, The London Eye which is sitting on the South Bank of River Thames. Hanging like a gigantic wheel, this landmark is instantly recognizable. It is currently the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe standing 135 metres high and supported by a giant A-frame which juts the spindle (UNESCO 20090. This makes it unique from other Ferris wheels which use two A-frames and axle support method. DRAWING POWER: – this is a measurement on the power to attract a large number of visitors (Merchant 2005). ACTIVITY OPTIONS: – this is an important characteristic of attractions (Merchant 2005). It involves assessing whether the attraction site offer a varied and changing set of activities. CONCLUSION Indeed, tourism is an attractive industry for economic development. Major attraction sites including the scenic landscapes, cultural and heritage sites, national and wildlife parks, landmarks, theme parks, gardens and museums, beaches and coastal regions, and entertainment among others attract a large number of visitors. There is no doubt that the industry contributes to a large proportion of the GDP and is responsible for employing millions of people. This makes it an important industry for investment. (2,070 words) REFERENCES Anon, 2004. Economic characteristics of the tourism sector, http://v5.books.elsevier.com/bookscat/samples/9780750666374/9780750666374.PDF {Accessed 21st January 2012} Burkart, A.J. and S. Medlik, 1974. Tourism. Past, Present and Future. London: Heinemann. Cooper, C., J. Fletcher, D. Gilbert and S. Wanhill, 1993. Tourism. Principles & Practice. London: Pitman Publishing. Business tourism partnership report, 2003. Business tourism briefing: an overview of the UK’s business tourism industry. London http://www.businesstourismpartnership.com/pubs/briefing.pdf {Accessed 20th January 2012} Endresen, K., 1999. Sustainable tourism and cultural heritage: A review of development assistance and its potential to promote sustainability http://www.nwhf.no/files/File/culture_fulltext.pdf {Accessed 20th January 2012} Gilbert, D.C., 1990. â€Å"Conceptual issues in the meaning of tourism†. In: C.P. Cooper (ed.), Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management, Vol. 2. London: Pitman Publishing. Hunziker, W. & k. Krapf, 1942. Grundriss der Allgemeinen Fremdenverkehrslehre. Zurich: Polygraphischer Verlag International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR), 2010. The contribution of music festivals and major concerts to tourism in the UK. London: Bournemouth University. http://www.ukmusic.org/assets/media/UK%20Music%20-Music%20Tourism.pdf{Accessed 22nd January 2012} Mathieson, A. and G. Wall, 1982. Tourism: Economic, Physical and Social Impacts. London: Longman. Merchant, R., 2005. Tourism attraction characteristics. Community tourism handbook: Minnesota Extension. http://nercrd.psu.edu/entrepreneur_what_works_wksp/Handouts/MerchantCharacteristics23.pdf {Accessed 20th January 2012} Mieczkowski, Z., 1990. World Trends in Tourism and Recreation. New York. UNESCO, 2009. World heritage sites. http://www.unesco.org.uk/world_heritage_sites {Accessed 20th January 2012} Williams, et.al, 2010. An assessment of UK heritage coasts in South Wales: J A steers revisited. Journal of Coastal Research. http://www.griffith.edu.au/conference/ics2007/pdf/ICS087.pdf {Accessed 20th January 2012}

понедельник, 16 сентября 2019 г.

Devil in a Blue Dress

Although the main character Ezekial (Easy) Rawlins is not a licensed private detective, he is given the opportunity to work as if he were one. At the end of the book he writes to a friend whom he tells he has had a couple of additional cases as well as the one featured in the book. As one might expect this leads to more mysteries to solve. Currently there about eight sequels to Devil in a Blue Dress. The series is popular and sells well. The novel is set in Watts, one of the poorer and primarily black sections of Los Angeles, in 1948. Easy Rawlins is a black war veteran.During the war he initially worked as a typist because black soldiers were segregated from the white soldiers and usually put in noncombatant positions. Rawlins volunteers for combat where he participates in D-Day and later fights in General Patton's tank corp. Until just before the book begins Easy has worked in an airplane manufacturing plant. After an argument with his foreman, Easy walks off the job and is fired. Easy Rawlins is the main character. He is a large, tough black man originally from Houston, Texas. He mistrusts white people in general and white policemen in particular.He lives pretty much hand to mouth except that he has managed to obtain a mortgage and buy a house. Trying to pay his monthly mortgage is often a struggle and is a motivating factor for his actions later in the book. Easy is extremely proud of his house with its fruit trees, flowers and yard. He cares for it so much that at times throughout the book when it is suggested he avoid physical attack by leaving the area he refuses because he won't leave his home behind. Despite his feelings about white people and his frequent confrontations with violence, Easy is a very likeable man. He has an eye toward the ladies and they often reciprocate.When the book opens Easy has nothing to do since he lost his job the previous day. He visits an illegal bar located near his home and run by a friend of his, an ex-heavyweight fighter named Joppy. The bar is located above a meat warehouse and always stinks of meat. Since Joppy has a checkered past regarding encounters with the law and because the room above the meat warehouse would never be approved by a health inspect, Joppy doesn't have a license, he buys stolen liquor that has been high jacked from trucks to sell to his patrons and the bar has no license, the bar doesn't officially exist.In fact much of the world Easy occupies doesn't exists in the eye of the law. The world is full of jazz, cigarettes, alcohol and violence. At the bar Joppy introduces Easy to a white man, DeWitt Albright. Albright is an old friend of Joppy's and he needs someone to find a white woman named Daphne Monet. He offers Easy one hundred dollars to find Monet and to tell him where she is. Albright claims he needs Easy to look for Monet because she has been seen in clubs considered to be black night clubs and a white man asking questions, no matter how tough, would be unlikely to get the information he sought might even be killed.Since Easy is well-known and well-liked in the community Albright believes he will be more successful in find Miss Monet. Although Easy suspects that Albright is a gangster or some other type of criminal and probably very dangerous, he needs the money to pay his mortgage and accepts the job. Thus begins Easy's journey through Watts, East L. A. , Santa Monica and other cities in the L. A. area. During that time Easy is arrested for murder and beaten by the white police.He is threatened with numerous guns, attacked with a knife, accused of messing with one of his friend's woman and visited by a second friend with who he shares a criminal past. Despite the above named adventures, Easy has little difficulty finding Daphne Monet. His reaction to her is typically male and he would consider giving up everything to be with her. Besides Easy, a variety of characters appear. Easy seems to know everybody and has a past with them. Some of these suc h as Coretta, who has an eye for men, appear briefly and are used by Mosley as victims of murder. However two characters deserve more mention.Mouse is a man without a conscience and a good deal of skill with both a knife and a gun. One can't describe him as immoral because he has no ethical standards to break. He is amoral. He doesn't recognize morality and it plays no role in his life. Given enough motivation, i. e. , money, Mouse would kill anyone without hesitation or remorse after the fact. Mouse is a good man to have on your side in violent situations, but he needs to be closely watched to make certain he doesn't suddenly turn on his friends and change side should it be to his personal advantage to do so.It is large through Mouse's skills with guns and a proclivity toward violence that East survives the case. Daphne Monet is a fantasy woman. She plays the role men want her to play and has learned to work men so well that she gets what she wants when she wants. She is physically small, beautiful, has a sensuous body with doe-like eyes that can melt a man's heart while exciting him with the possibility of a sexual relationship. She knows how to use all her charms to get what she wants and rarely hesitates to make use of them.She is out for herself and will likely do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Daphne Monet is an alias for Ruby Hanks, although she passes for white, she is a light skinned black woman from Lake Charles, Louisiana who like so many of the characters in the book has a past with Easy. Throughout the book Rawlins fails to recognize Rube when he meets Daphne because she has grown up and out since he last saw her when she was a child.. Unlike Mouse Daphne Monet has a conscience and an awareness of what is right or wrong, however she probably wouldn't hesitate to do wrong should the situation call for it.Money is her motivation and one wonders if Mosley used the last name â€Å"Monet† because of its similarity to the word â€Å"mo ney,† a driving force in here life. The crime that starts all of the violence and killing is Daphne's stealing $30,000 from Albright. Naturally he wants it back. Throughout the novel Daphne uses Easy to avoid being killed and to keep the money she as stolen. Ultimately she is successful. Daphne, Mouse and easy keep the money, Albright, among others, is dead. Rawlins is satisfied at the end of the book. Although there are threads of crimes left hanging, Easy is satisfied.He has settled things to his own standards and couldn't care less if the white police still have crimes to solve. Mosley's book provides a well plotted scenario with a very likeable main character. Typically private detectives are white males. Using a black man as a detective and revealing events to the reader through his eyes is an interesting device. Easy Rawlins has been treated as an inferior all of his life by white people. Easy Rawlins is a man with faults. He has prejudices that are understandable and pr ovide a more rounded character.He is a believable multi-dimensional character that does not fall prey to the many stereotypes many writers of detective stories use. Easy Rawlins is neither such an all bad person that he is unbelievable nor is he so pure and good so that he appears insipid. The plot of Devil in a Blue Dress is quite plausible. There was never a doubt that most of the events such as those happening in the book could and did occur. The only difficult part to accept is that the main characters were able to divide the money evenly and each of them keep their $10,000 share.It appears more likely that someone else would show up looking for the money. However, a willing suspension of disbelief easily remedies this small issue. The description of the location and time period appears to be historically accurate. Mosley is aware of historical facts and provides explanations for those things that might appear to be inaccurate. For example, because the military was segregated by race during World War II, most blacks did not serve in combat. Mosley deals with this by recognizing that blacks could serve in combat if they volunteered to do so.It is interesting to note that at the time when the novel takes place there are truck farms growing artichokes, strawberries, and lettuce between downtown L. A. and Santa Monica. Today there is nothing to separate L. A. from Santa Monica except a sign announcing the city limits of Santa Monica. Roads that are wide and well-traveled today are little used roads in the country. The book is very readable and interesting. It is interesting to read a detective novel from the point of view of a black man.His opinions of white people are largely negative and based on the events in the novel, correct. Easy was interesting and likeable. Daphne Monet was an exciting, sexy woman written to engender attraction and lust for male readers. The pacing was good and added to the suspense. At times the prose seems to lead the reader, subtly suggesting the reader continue to read and to read faster and faster. Devil in a Blue Dress appears to be authentic not only in its historicity, but in the way it feels and the atmosphere Mosley creates.While reading the box the reader is able to assume the persona of Easy Rawlings and look at events through his eyes. One of the best features of Mosley's book is that he uses language and terms that would have been used in 1948. Easy thinks of himself as a Negro, not as a black or African-American or some other recently developed politically correct term. This is refreshing given the extreme attention to political correctness today. It is irritating when people try to rewrite history by pretending that political corrects extends eternally to the past.Over all, Devil in a Blue Dress is quite a good book. Easy Rawlins is a believable character and interesting character. He provides a point of view to the reader that is unusual if not unique. One wonders if Daphne/Ruby is really The De vil in a Blue Dress as she is made out to be. For the male characters in the book and to men reading the book she is definitely an angel. The plot is intriguing and intricate enough to engage the reader and to encourage the reader to read the other books in the series. Works Cited Mosley, Walter. Devil in a Blue Dress. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1990.

воскресенье, 15 сентября 2019 г.

Market Positioning of New Product

What is Marketing : The word Marketing in narrow sense is used as the sum up of selling process. Now a days marketing is considered as managing profitable customer relationships. Hence, we define marketing as the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. Here the figure 1. 1 presents a simple five step model of the marketing process. In the first four steps companies work to understand consumers, create customer value and build strong customer relationships. In the final step companies reach the reward of creating superior customer value. By creating value for customers , they in turn capture value from customers in the form of sales, profits, and long term customer equity. In the face of today’s changing business , to success , this expand model of marketing is very much helpful. All steps of this marketing process is important. As a first step, marketers need to understand customers needs and wants and the market place within which they operate. Once its fully understood , consumers and marketplace, Marketing management design a customer driven marketing strategy. In the next steps, marketers construct a marketing program that actually deliver superior value through building profitable customer relationships by capturing value from customers. Here we will focus on customer driven marketing strategy of launching a product or service. Customer – driven marketing strategy and marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy: To design a winning marketing strategy , the company must first decide who it will serve. It does this by dividing the market into segments of customers(market segmentation) and selecting which segments it will cultivate(target marketing). Next , the company must decide how it will serve targeted customers(how it will differentiate and position itself in the marketplace). Marketing management wants to design strategies that will build profitable relationships with target consumers. There are five alternative concepts under which organizations design and carry out their marketing strategies. These are :- *Production concept: *Product concept *Selling concept *Marketing concept *Social marketing concept roduction concept The philosophy that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable, and that management should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency product concept: The idea that C'l will favor products that offer the most quality, performance and features, and that the organisation should therefore, devote its energy to making continuous produce improve merits selling concept: The idea that consumers†¢ will not buy enough of the organisation's products unless the organisation undertakes large-scale selling and promotion effort arketing concept The marketing management philosophy†¢ which holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining the needs and wants qf target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors do. societal marketing concept: The idea that the organization should determine the need, want and interests of target markets and deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a ay that maintains or improves the consumer's and society's well-being. There is no hard and fast rule to strictly follow any particular concept. These concept are followed by different companies as their convenience as their business mission. This may vary for different companies beside some companies may follow the combination of these orientation. Marketing mix The set of controllabletactic-id marketing tools- product, price, place and promotion – that tlivfirm blends to producethe response it wants in che target market ‘functional chewing and bubble gums' [pic] Product Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want. It includes physical objects, persons organizations and ideas, price. The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service. place. All the company activities make the product or service available to target customers. promotion Activities that communicate the product or service and its ‘merits to target customers a persuade them to buy. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis section draws from the market audit. It is a brief list of the critical success factors in the market, and rates strengths and weaknesses against the competition. The SWOT analysis should include costs and other non marketing variables. The outstanding opportunities and threats should he given. If plans depend upon assumptions about the market, the economy or the competition. SWOT analysis draws the critical strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) from the strategic audit. The audit contains a wealth of data of differing importance and reliability. SWOT analysis distils these data to show the critical items from the internal and external audit. The number of items is small for forceful communications, and they show where a business should focus its attention. The STP Process The growing use of the STP process has occurred as a direct result of the prevalence of mature markets, the greater diversity in customer needs, and the ability to reach specialized or niche segments. As such marketers are increasingly segmenting markets and identifying attractive segments (i. e. who to focus on and why? ), in order to identify new product opportunities, develop suitable positioning and communications strategies (i. e. what message to communicate), and effectively allocate resources to key marketing activities (i. e. how much should we spend and where? ). Organizations will often commission segmentation research when they want to re-scope their marketing strategy, investigate a declining brand, launch a new product, or restructure their pricing policy. Organizations operating in highly dynamic environments seek to conduct segmentation research at regular intervals, to keep in touch with changes in the marketplace. STP refers to the three activities segmentation, targeting, and positioning Key benefits of the STP process include: †¢ Enhancing a company’s competitive position by providing direction and focus for marketing strategies such as targeted advertising, new product development, and brand differentiation. For example, Coca-Cola identified through market research that its Diet Coke brand (also marketed as Coca-Cola Lite) was egarded as ‘girly’ and ‘feminine’ by male consumers. As a direct result the company developed a new product, branded Coke Zero, which is targeted at the health-conscious male segment of the soft drinks market. †¢ Examining and identifying growth opportunities in the market through the identification of new customers, growth segments, or new product uses. For examp le Arm & Hammer was able to attract new customers when existing consumers identified new uses for their baking soda (Christensen, Cook, and Hall, 2005). Lucozade also changed the positioning and targeting from its original marketing strategy positioned for sick children and rebranded to target athletes as an energy drink. †¢ More effective and efficient matching of company resources to targeted market segments promises the greatest return on marketing investment (ROMI). For example, financial institutions like HSBC and Barclays and large retailing multinationals such as Tesco and ASDA Wal-Mart are utilizing data-informed segmentation strategies to effectively target direct marketing messages and rewards to customers they have classified as offering long-term value to the company, i. . they are profitable customers. Market Create values for customers and build customer relationship An expanded model of the marketing process Marketing Strategy Target consumers are at the centre of the marketing strategy. The company identifies the total market, divides it into smaller segments, selects the most promising segments and focuses on se rving them. It designs a marketing mix using mechanisms under its control: product, price, place and promotion. The company engages in marketing analysis, planning, implementation and control to find the best marketing mix and to take action. The company uses these activities to enable it to watch and adapt to the marketing environment. We will now look briefly at e;ieh factor in the marketing process and say where it is developed elsewhere in this book. The Concept of Market Segmentation Market segmentation is the division of a market into different groups of customers with distinctly similar needs and product/service requirements. Or to put it another way, market segmentation is the division of a mass market into identifiable and distinct groups or segments, each of which have common characteristics and needs and display similar responses to marketing actions. Market segmentation was first defined as ‘a condition of growth when core markets have already been developed on a generalised basis to the point where additional promotional expenditures are yielding diminishing returns’ (Smith, 1956). There is now widespread agreement that they form an important foundation for successful marketing strategies and activities (Wind, 1978; Hooley and Saunders, 1993). The purpose of market segmentation is to leverage scarce resources; in other words, to ensure that the elements of the marketing mix, price, distribution, products and promotion, are designed to meet particular needs of different customer groups. Since companies have finite resources it is not possible to produce all possible products for all the people, all of the time. The best that can be aimed for is to provide selected offerings for selected groups of people, most of the time. This process allows organizations to focus on specific customers’ needs, in the most efficient and effective way. As Beane and Ennis (1987) eloquently commented, ‘a company with limited resources needs to pick only the best opportunities to pursue’. The market segmentation concept is related to product differentiation. If you aim at different market segments, you might adapt different variations of your offering to satisfy those segments, and equally if you adapt different versions of your offering, this may appeal to different market segments. Since there is less competition, your approach is less likely to be copied and so either approach will do. Market consists of buyers and buyers differ in one or more ways. They may differ in their wants ,resources, locations, buying attitudes and buying practices. Through market segmentation , companies divide large, heterogeneous markets into smaller segments that can be reached more efficiently and effectively with products services that match their unique needs. In this section we discuss four important segmentation topics: segmenting consumer markets, segmenting business markets, segmenting international markets, and requirements for effective segmentation. Segmenting Consumer Markets There is no single way to segment a market. A marketer has to try different segmentation variables, alone and in combination, to find the best way to view the market structures. Table 7. 1 outlines the major variables that might be used in segmenting consumer markets. Here we look at the major geographic , demographic, psychographic, and behavioral variables. Geographic | | | |World region or country North America, West Europe, Middle east, Pacific rim, China, India, Canada | |Country region Pacific, Mountain, West north central, West south central, East north central, | |East south central, South atlantic, Middle atlantic, New England. | | |City or metro size Under 5000;5000-20000;20000-50000;50000-100000;100000-250000; | |250000-5000000;500000-1000000 | |Destiny Urban, suburban, rural | |Climate Northern, southern | |Demographic | |Age Under 6;6-11;12-19;20-34;35-49;50-64;65+ |Gender male, female | |Family size 1-2;3-4;5+ | |Family life cycle Young, single, Young married, no children, Young married with children, | |Older, married with children, older married no children | | | |Income Under10000;10000-20000;20000-30000;30000-50000;50000-100000 | |Occupation Professional and technical;managers;officials;proprietors;clerical;sales; | |Crafts people; supervisors;operatives | |Education Grade school or less;some high school;high school graduate;some college | |Race Asian;Hispanic;black;white | |Generation Baby boomer. Generation x, generation y | |Religion catholic, protestant, jewish, muslim, hindu, other | |Nationality North American, South American, British, French, German, Italian, Japanese | |Psychographic | |Social class Lower lowers, upper lowers, working class, middle class, upper middles | |, upper uppers | | | |Life style Achievers, strivers, survivors | |Personality Compulsive, gregarious, authoritarian, ambitious | |Behavioral |Occasions Regular occasion, Special occasion | |Benefits Quality, service, economy, convenience, speed | |User status Nonuser, ex-user, potential user, first time user, regular user | |User rates Light user, medium, user, heavy user | |Loyalty status None, medium, strong, absolute | |Readiness stage Unaware, aware, informed, interested, desirous | |Attitude toward product Enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative, hostile | Segmenting Business Markets Consumer and business marketers use many of the same variables to segment their markets. Business bu yers can be segmented geographically, demographically, or by benefit sought, user status, user rate and loyalty status. Yet business marketers also use some additional variables, such as customer operating characteristics, purchasing approaches , situational factors and personal characteristic. By going after segments instead of the whole market, companies can deliver the just the right value proposition to each segment served and capture more value in return. Requirements for Effective Segmentation: Clearly, there are many ways to segment a market, but not all segmentations are effective. For example, buyers of table salt could be divided into blond and brunette customers. Target Markets The second important part of the STP process is to determine which, if any, of the segments uncovered should be targeted and made the focus of a comprehensive marketing programme. Ultimately, managerial discretion and judgement determines which markets are selected and exploited and which others are ignored. Kotler (1984) suggested that in order for market segmentation to be effective, all segments must be: †¢ Distinct—is each segment clearly different from other segments? If so, different marketing mixes, to use the traditional approach to marketing, will be necessary. †¢ Accessible—can buyers be reached through appropriate promotional programmes and distribution channels? †¢ Measurable—is the segment easy to identify and measure? †¢ Profitable—is the segment sufficiently large to provide a stream of constant future revenues and profits? This approach to the evaluation of market segments is often referred to by the DAMP acronym, making it easier to remember. Another approach to evaluating market segments uses a rating approach for different segment attractiveness factors, such as market growth, segment profitability, segment size, competitive intensity within the segment, and the cyclical nature of the industry (e. g. whether or not the business is seasonal, e. g. retailing, or dependent on government political cycles as some large-scale defence contracts are). Each of these segment attractiveness factors is rated on a scale of 0–10 and loosely categorized in the high, medium, or low columns, based on either set criteria, or subjective criteria, dependent on the availability of market and customer data and the approach adopted by the managers undertaking the segmentation programme. [pic] ? Six steps in market segmentation, targeting and positioning Differentiation & Positioning Strategies Marketers can follow several positioning . strategies. These strategies use associations to change consumers' perception of products. Product attrilmtes position many technical products. The positioning of Ericssons EH237 mobile phone is its Low weight and number $ features, while much of BMW's advertising promotes individual technical items- like fresh air filters. In the exclusive watch market Breitling. Baume & Mercier and Audemars Piguet's positioning are on their mechanical movements. Some of their designs leave the mechanisms exposed and one ad argues ‘Since 1735 there has never been a quartz Rlanepain. And there never will be. ‘ The benefits they offer or the needs they fill position many products – Crest toothpaste reduces cavities. Aim tastes good and Macleans Sensitive relieves the pain of sensitive teeth. In the confectionery industry, Italian Gaci and Ferrero Rocher are gifts, while Mars and Snickers bars satisfy hunger. Huhtamaki is Finland's largest industrial company but LEAF, its confectionery division, is only ten in size worldwide. It developed competitive advantage Marketing Services to remain flexible has also led to firms hiring services that provide use without ownership. Finally, an increasing number of firms are keen to focus on their core competences. They are beginning to contract out non-core activities, such as warehousing and transportation, thus stimulating the growth of specialist business service organizations. All these developments have, in turn, led to a growing interest in the special problems of marketing services. Brand Positioning: Marketers need to position their brands clearly in target customers minds. They can position brands at any of three levels. Branding poses challenging decision. *Sample of marketing strategy of stock market consulting firm Finance Hauler Lead life less tension Our company is an service providing company. The goal of our company is to provide service , provide information about stock market in exchange of a particular fee. Ours is an unique company, so far. We are targeting specific segments in the consumers and business markets, taking the opportunity of current situation of stock market. The primary objective is to serve in Rajshahi, shaheb bazaar, then it will be scattered in the whole country, where broker houses stands. In business there is a chance of loss and also profit, we will try to make profit from the first year. Question may arise why this type of consultancy firm? The answer is the present condition of stock market. The main reason behind this is lack of proper knowledge about stock market. Investors doesnt know where to invest and when to invest. Our duty is to make him clear. As Bangladesh is a capital deficiency country, so the capital we have need to invest properly. As we are the student of Finance & Banking , our duty is to analyze the stock market, that’s why we have planned to open such type of firm. At present some brokerage house & ICB some provide information to their investors un officially. These informations are not so profitable. But there is no specialized firm who provide proper information about stock market, that’s why we intended to open such a consulting firm. By describing the targeted segments in detail, it can be said that our firm will satisfy the customers need, want, and their demand , as we have planned to scatter it in the every city of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a capital defficiency country. As peoples save less consumption more , so we need to invest the savings into right sector, We will provide information to invest in the profitable sector. So at a time the economy of Bangladesh will be increased. The standard of living of common people will be raised. The growth and development of our country will be accelerated. As we will open a firm we need specialised employees by recruiting whom we will help them to lead a better life. Features of our service : A product or service need three characteristics 1. Unique 2. Price 3. Availability According to these characteristics our service or product is perfect. Its unique. By our effort and efficiency it will be available in the whole country after a year or two year, As it is a era of globalization , anyone can get our service by using internet or telephone service from anywhere. We will take a minimum fee for registration and membership which will be easy to pay by the clients. Marketing planning aims and objectives Behind the corporate objectives, which in themselves offer the main context for the marketing plan, will lie the â€Å"corporate mission,† which in turn provides the context for these corporate objectives. In a sales-oriented organization, the marketing planning function designs incentive pay plans to not only motivate and reward frontline staff fairly but also to align marketing activities with corporate mission. This â€Å"corporate mission† can be thought of as a definition of what the organization is, of what it does: â€Å"Our business is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This definition should not be too narrow, or it will constrict the development of the organization; a too rigorous concentration on the view that â€Å"We are in the business of making meat-scales,† as IBM was during the early 1900s, might have limited its subsequent development into other areas. On the other hand, it should not be too wide or it will become meaningless; â€Å"We want to make a profit† is not too helpful in developing specific plans. Abell suggested that the definition should cover three dimensions: â€Å"customer groups† to be served, â€Å"customer needs† to be served, and â€Å"technologies† to be used. Thus, the definition of IBM's â€Å"corporate mission† in the 1940s might well have been: â€Å"We are in the business of handling accounting information [customer need] for the larger US organizations [customer group] by means of punched cards [technology]. † Perhaps the most important factor in successful marketing is the â€Å"corporate vision. † Surprisingly, it is largely neglected by marketing textbooks, although not by the popular exponents of corporate strategy – indeed, it was perhaps the main theme of the book by Peters and Waterman, in the form of their â€Å"Superordinate Goals. † â€Å"In Search of Excellence† said: â€Å"Nothing drives progress like the imagination. The idea precedes the deed. If the organization in general, and its chief executive in particular, has a strong vision of where its future lies, then there is a good chance that the organization will achieve a strong position in its markets (and attain that future). This will be not least because its strategies will be consistent and will be supported by its staff at all levels. In this context, all of IBM's marketing activities were underpinned by its philosophy of â€Å"customer service,† a vision originally promoted by the charismatic Watson dynasty. The emphasis at this stage is on obtaining a complete and accurate picture. Needs and corresponding features/benefits of Finance Hauler : Targeted segment |Customer need |Corresponding feature | |Professionals |. Time saving and Holiday scheme|. Usually professionals are busy so they need time less consuming scheme and information, | |(consumer market) | |and in holiday they will get informations. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |. Students have less money so they need fast moving but less price share information, as | |Students |. Seminar and money saving |they know less they will get free seminar discussion. |(consumer market) |scheme | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |. Lazy money investment scheme |. They need to secure their retirement pension money, from which they will get fast profit| |Retired person | |and stable market. |(consumer market) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |. Special scheme | | | | |. Women are totally unaware about stock market but they can make a great contribution in | |Women | |country economy by investing their small savings into stock market. We have a special | |(consumer market) | |scheme and care for women. | Competitive review: As our firm is new and unique, so far no competitor in our sector. This type of business is unavailable in our country. At future there may be competitor but now no one. Distribution review : Distribution review needs distribution channels for a product. As our service is unique so there is no better distribution channel. We have to advertise through television , radio , news paper etc. And most importantly through brokerage house. We will distribute handbills and posters. SWOT analysis: Strengths : Our strengths depends on the followings * Innovative service *Security *Pricing Weakness : Weakness are internal elements that may interfere with the company’s ability to achieve its objectives. The weakness of our firm is only the brand awareness. Opportunities : *Increased public demand *Lower technology cost. Threats : *At present no competitor so far but near future there may be competitor then there will rise our threat. Short run objectives : * First we will open our firm in Rajshahi to provide service. *Try to increase member *Profit maximization Long run objectives : *Scatter our services all over the country *Wealth maximization Issues : In relation to the service launch; issue is the ability to establish a well regarded brand name linked to a meaningful positioning. We must invest heavily in marketing to create a memorable and distinctive brand image projecting innovation, quality and value. Marketing Research & Development: In this segment how marketing research will be used to support development, implementation and evaluation of strategies and action programs. As our service on stock market, we mainly focus on capital market, economic conditions, performance of companies’ research & development. Action programs: Action programs should be coordinated with the resources and activities of other services. The first action is to know about the capital market to the people. Then make a positive concept about stock market and how to gain in the market in short run and long run. Budgets: Budgets serve two main purposes: one is to project profitability and another to help managers plan for expenditures ,scheduling and operations related to each action program. In our services We need a flat for our office purchasing furniture, equipments and other elements. Controls: Controls help management assess results after the plan is implemented identify any problems or performance variations and initiate corrective action. We are developing contingency plans to address fast-moving, new technology and new competition. ———————– Build profitable relationships and create customer delight Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value Design a customer-driven marketing strategy Understand the market place and customer needs and wants Customer relationship management: build strong relationships with chosen customers Product and service design: build strong brands Select customers to serve market segmentation and targeting Research customers and the marketplace Pricing: create real value Manage marketing information and customer data Decide on a value proposition: differentiation and positioning Customer relationship management build strong relationships with chosen customers Distribution: manage demand and supply chains Partner relationship management: build strong relationships with marketing partners Promotion: communicate the value proposition ———————– 2