пятница, 26 июля 2019 г.

Self-Report Measures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self-Report Measures - Essay Example They are ideal tools when the researcher wishes to study a few participants in greater detail (Stangor, 2010). A typical example would be the use of T.A.T. (Thematic Apperception Test) cards to gather data from the participants. The stories told by participants yield rich data; but it can become very cumbersome to study a large sample in this manner. Fixed Format Self Report measures, on the other hand, are techniques that limit the number of responses that a subject can give to any answer by providing alternatives, or scaled attributes; where the participant indicates one (or more) of the alternatives provided as a response. With such measures, the data obtained is easily analyzed with quantitative techniques; but is limited in that the participant cannot give a response that is not provided among the options (Stangor, 2010). A typical example would be the use if Likert Scales to measure the extent of agreement or disagreement with a particular issue. Such measures can be used with a large sample size; often many individuals can be asked to contribute data at the same time. Explain the advantages of free-format self-report measures and fixed-format self-report measures. No.

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